On this occasion, we were able to observe how, at first, the company responsible for the compensation of Francisco and Manuela refused to pay any amount, based on the so-called LACK OF CAUSAL NEXUS.
The causal nexus is made up of 4 criteria, the most common being the so-called INTENSITY or quantitative CRITERION, which establishes that there must be a correlation between the injuries suffered and their mechanism of production.
On this basis, companies often refuse to pay compensation because they determine that injuries are very unlikely, if not impossible, in the case of slight material damage to vehicles, all based on the so called “no fault” principle REPORT BIOMECHANICAL which studies the deformity or extent of the material damage to establish the existence or not of injuries, ALL OF THEM MECHANICAL QUESTIONS.
In our case, they alleged that they would not pay the indemnities in an amicable manner, which led us to file a claim for the same, amounting to 4,354.82 euros and 3,971.18 euros respectively.
Finally, and once the responsible insurance company was notified of the claim, the legal department contacted us and we were able to settle the matter out of court for the amounts of 4,000.00 euros and 3,300.00 euros respectively, so that after Francisco and Manoli received the amounts, we requested that the proceedings be closed WITHOUT THE NEED FOR A TRIAL.